Minggu, 30 November 2008


Im tireeeeed, i've just now go back from go around in Thamrin, Sabang. Now, i wanna tell you about my last Saturday. Yesterday, i went to FX with Resha for watched My Blueberry Night. Firstly when i'd sit and watched that film, i thought the movie was bad, i almost go out. But i'd wait for a minute because i feel little curious, and then ya i enjoyed the movie hahaha, the ending was awesome!

The kisses

And this is the sweetest thing that i ever meet. Watch it

Jumat, 28 November 2008

i wanna cry, im crying already

you didnt care about what i feel, ya, you didnt care.

Just tell you

Rainy outside, im alone, but a little bit glad because my mom and dad coming home tonight. Im boring like the other day.. just watching Your Body is Wonderland clip from John Mayer with hot swissmiss. So cold in my room rite now, the temperature on my remote is 17 haha, ya, hows cold. Resha still in his school, busy with his activity. Im hungry, today i only ate a noodle, just it. Although this is a bad Friday, oh i think Friday is a bad day in my high school, because we must running from school to Pasar Sunangiri pass to Al-Azhar Rawamangun and then we running in a large street, do you think is good or.....? Im hungry oh please........... only bitterballen and egg in my refrigerator, i just fed up to eat that again and again. My voice almost scattered. And i must elfa's today, oh mom.... what a bad situation.

What the..

Hey, how r you guys? this is Friday and im home. My friend told me that Twilight movie's midnight showing at Plaza Senayan, but when we were called XXI Plaza Senayan, a ticket was sold out -__________-

Kamis, 27 November 2008


Hey readers, i cant wait to see a movie twilight soon, but i already heard that in Indonesia, Twilight movie will come in 21st December, its mean me on my first departure for holiday, so i really disappointed, but its okay. Oh ya.. today i really boring, and ya, i just browsing, browsing many website like vanity fair and many more haha, see all of good actress and actor, and off course im searching Twilight section, so check it!
I love her

I love him

I love them both

And really, i love all of them

Cant wait to watch it, i really..... oh i cant describe it.

Well, im crying.

Hey i wanna share you about the cool movie, August Rush. Have you ever watch it?

5 menit yang lalu gue nonton dvd ini lagi, bcause im so boring at home, rasanya nyesel ga masuk sekolah karena di sekolah rame dan gue sendirian di rumah just with my grandma. This is about the 3rd time im watching this film. Kalo yang belum pernah nonton, watch it soon deh.. August Rush have a lot of sad stories, dan menurut gue ceritanya ga lebay. Pertamanya pas gue ke XXI Senayan City 3 bulan yang lalu gue liat filmnya, tapi ga begitu tertarik soalnya feeling gue yang sok tau bilang kayanya filmnya ga bagus, but but but.. beberapa minggu kemudian Resha bilang katanya ada film bagus banget judulnya August Rush, dan karena gue penasaran pertamanya gue nonton dari internet, tapi ga gitu jelas and i cant feel where's the sad situation. Akhirnya gue beli dvd nya, dan kalian harus ngerasain sendiri tentang filmnya, gue netesin air mata gitu : p, barusan gue netes lagi dan gue ga pernah bosen buat nonton filmnya.
Ini link trailernya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=841HKGEVdRA karena daritadi pas gue mau masukin gabisa bisa, jadi liat sendiri aja ya, bye buds.


Thursday, and Hey ! glad to see you. Today im not going to school, the reason is.. yesterday after when the school time is ended, i walked with no shoes, its mean im "nyeker", i walked.. walked.. walked.. and DASH ! my tiny finger was stumble at the chair, i got bleed in my tiny, my nail almost broke into two. its so smarting, i cant going to school with wearing a shoes. So im here, tell you, and im boring..

Minggu, 23 November 2008


Sunday, i just sit here, doing nothing and im not feeling well (so). Im alone at home, boring. I just browsing, browsing... and i found it :



Do you feel the same with me? ya, she's more than amazing and bla bla bla... Have you listen her song of She and Him? her voice is so simple cute : p, i love it.


Rainy, home alone. I miss my parents so much, they didnt call me anyway. And im so lazy to take my telephone or cell phone, about 12 hours i get this situation, please someone makes me cheer, oh i miss them so good.

Jumat, 21 November 2008



Oh math.....

Hey, do you miss me? hahaha,udah berapa hari ya ga nge post... padahal banyak cerita banget dari kemaren tapi karena terlalu capek jadi males nulis nih. Oh iya tadi pagi gue ke sekolah sekitar jam 8 an gitu buat remed matematika, pas udah sampe gue deg deg an, gue ga belajar pas kemarin malemnya, karena gue lebih mementingkan tugas comic dari bu Shafa daripada pelajaran yang menjijikan itu, ya.. matematika.
Pas udah dateng gitu ternyata sekolah ramaaaaaai sekali, dan gue baru inget ternyata kelas 3 lagi Career Day sementara SMP lg mau Labs Greedity, akhirnya gue sampai di kelas dan mencari posisi duduk yang sangaaaaaaaaat aman, apalagi kalo bukan di pojokan.
Terus sekitar jam 8 lewat beberapa menit gitu, gurunya dateng, dia bilang soalnya ketinggalan dan akhirnya dia nulis di papan tulis soal plus rumusnya, as i know yang namanya ulangan kayanya ga pernah kayak gini tapi gue sangat bersyukur di sebelah gue ada orang baik dan akhirnya gue tinggal ngelirik hihi. Hope i can get a good point please...

Senin, 17 November 2008

Zooey Deschanel !!

Readers lets we talk about her, ya.. Zooey Deschanel ! my, i love her much, i really admire her hair !! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i like her so damn ya knwwww. I imaginary can be like her someday, oh ya, did you have a nylon magazine Zooey Deschanel edition? HAVE IT ! cause you can get a more beauty outside of her, oooooh i adore you <3

Sabtu, 15 November 2008


Im finishing thats all just about one month maybe, is that fast or...... (?). Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse is teen vampire novel by Stephenie Meyer. I really like the character, Edward Cullen.
Oh ya, and Twilight will come with a movie section! so i recommends you all that you must watch it or read it anyway, its a fantastic novel and you've a reading ability!

Jumat, 14 November 2008

Thursday, Resha

saturday, and i wish its a rainy day, but isnt. im doing nothing, im boring, i miss Resha, i miss our last Thursday, and i hope this weekend will be a long day :p

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i want resha resha and resha, o sorry.. maybe you dont know about him, Resha is my boyfriend but he can be my best best bestfriend, i really enjoy the day since im her's, oh thanks God. hmmm i wanna tell you about my last thursday, after got back from school, i went to his house, i went there bcause he wanted to help me to make a comic, it was assignment from my teacher. it was awesome! bcause i didnt meet him about 5 days huhu. But my mom called, and i must go home, and yesterday we already made a plan, that we'll get a breakfast this morning like the other Saturday, but he cant go for breakfast this morning -------- i hate this situation
I miss you res <3


Hello this is my first time blogging, im tena and i'll start to tell you my own story, actually idk what im gonna write right now, maybe later i'll write more......